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Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Year Older

I'm about to turn another year older. As usual, like all of my preceding years, this past year has been filled with ups and downs, but it's only worthwhile to remember the good. A year ago, I went to New York to see some of my dear friends and to reminisce about our carefree days as a quartet of girls living in the city. They were memorable days and nights filled with everything I love about the Big Apple: girl talk, afternoon tea parties, Tim Burton's exhibition at MoMa, strolls in Central Park, and braving the weather getting to Max Brenner's for chocolate fondue (gosh, remember that storm?)
Thank you Angela, Jen, Tomoko (in spirit) and Joanne for such a wonderful trip :) I miss you all.
After this amazing trip out East, I headed farther East to Shanghai where I set up house for nearly 6 months. I met driven and powerful individuals, made new friends, and got a taste of what long(er)-term life in China would be like.
I took a couple wonderful weekend getaways with some of the nicest people I've ever met. 

State-side once more, I came back and began the next chapter of my life: getting my ducks aligned.  In other words, figuring out the future career-wise. In between hitting the books, meditating, and job searching, I started this blog as a positive digital diary. Oh, and one more thing about this year...
I fell in love for the first time. And he's nice.


  1. gahh! love your blogggggg posts! will be visiting often =] and i <3 this post.

  2. aww, thanks for the encouragement angela! You guys made my birthday last year ;-) so it's only natural to think of our fun times when it was my birthday! Hope you're doing welllllll<3
