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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Trial Run: Vegetarianism, Veganism, Pescetarianism, all the -isms

I'm done with it.
I'm doing it for the animals, for the environment, and for my health.
I spent part of the day at the library reading Peta literature on farm animal cruelty and abuse.
I feel the information is enlightening even for those who thought they know what is happening.
Animals, such chickens, cattle, and pigs, raised for food are enduring beyond terrible conditions. Reading the literature and watching video footage about industry standards has turned my skin inside out.
I don't want to detail all the meat industry's abusive practices here because I could never do as good a job as the organizations and the individuals that expose the ugliness every waking moment of their lives.
I will say, however, that every life is precious and grinding millions of fully conscious, newly hatched male chicks into machinery that kills them, chopping off neuron-filled chicken beaks, castration, and injecting growth hormones into animals to make them grow at such a rapid rate that their limbs can no longer support them is revolting and enough to make me want to leave meat off my plate.
In my teenage years, I was vegetarian for about a year. A lifelong animal lover, I wanted to do what I felt was humane and just. However, I wasn't equipped with the right sources about diet and meat substitutes that could compensate for my needed nutrients and under my doctor's recommendation, I relapsed into becoming a meat eater. Now I feel like I have access to the right resources that can help me with this new lifestyle.
I'm going to try again: A Trial Run 30 Day Pescetarian Diet that I have ambitions to eventually morph into a permanent Vegan diet

Although I do believe in many people choosing to adopt different eating habits, I want people to make those changes voluntarily. I don't believe in radically forcing people to stop eating chicken or stop wearing leather. These are personal liberties. I'm not going to try to go out of my way to "convert" anybody.
I think individual expressionism is one of the most important things contribute to our identities. To lose that because someone poured paint on your fur coat is not going to inspire you to stop wearing fur or to ditch your suede loafers; it's only going to inflame your heart with repulsion for their cause.  In summary, from my perspective, it's a personal choice to become vegan, vegetarian, or any -arian.
For me:
I'm done with it.
I'm doing it for the animals, for the environment, and for my health.

For more information, check out the link below:
'Meet Your Meat': "People for the ethical treatment of animals"

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